Mission "Access Space Center X days in a row".
Updated on
Mon, 6 May, 2024 at 8:48 PM
With this mission you will be able to get points that will help you level up for free with the only action of accessing Space Center daily and consecutively.
This block of missions is composed of 3 missions that will reward you with extra points for 30 days once completed, and that you will be able to extend their expiration indefinitely if you do not break the chain of consecutive accesses:
- Mission "Access Space Center 7 days in a row".
- To complete it, access Space Center for 7 consecutive days.
- It expires 30 days after completion.
- You can keep the points if you keep logging in.
- Mission "Access Space Center 15 days in a row".
- To complete it, access Space Center for 15 consecutive days.
- It expires 30 days after completion.
- You can keep the points if you keep logging in.
- Mission "Access Space Center 30 days in a row".
- To complete it, access Space Center for 30 consecutive days.
- It expires 30 days after completion.
- You can keep the points if you keep logging in.
Mission "Access Space Center 7 days in a row".
To complete this mission you will have to accumulate a total of 7 days of consecutive access to Space Center. You will be able to track this by checking the number of days recorded in the counter or progress of the mission (1/7 d).
Once the mission is completed, an expiration date of 30 days will be generated and the second level of this block of missions will be activated (Access 15 days). On the other hand, like all perishable missions, although once completed the mission will disappear from the list of pending missions, you will be able to extend the expiration date if you complete it again in the background, in other words, when you accumulate 14 days of continuous access you would have completed the mission twice (7+7) and the expiration date will be extended to 30 days from the day you completed it again internally.
Mission "Access Space Center 15 days in a row".
In this mission you will start with 7 accumulated days (7/15 d) and as in the previous mission, you must continue the chain of consecutive accesses until completing the 15 days, being able to follow up by checking the counter or progress of the mission.

On day 14th you would have extended the expiration of the previous mission by 30 days (access 7 days) and on day 15th the current mission will be completed getting the indicated points and activating the next mission (Access 30 days). At this moment a 30 days expiration date will also be generated for this mission, being able to extend it by accumulating 15 more days of continued access internally as in the previous mission.
Mission "Access Space Center 30 days in a row".
In this mission you will start with 15 accumulated days (15/30 d) if you have not missed any day since the beginning of the mission block. To complete this mission and get your points, you will have to accumulate 30 days of access to Space Center in a row and without interruption.

As with the previous ones, when you complete the 30 days of continuous access (30/30 d) an expiration date of 30 days will be generated, which can be extended indefinitely if you continue accessing daily. Thus, after completing 30 days of continuous access you will have completed and extended the expiration date of the previous missions: 4 times the 7 days mission (7+7+7+7+7 d), 2 times the 15 days mission (15+15 d) and 1 time the 30 days mission.

- These missions will grant you totally free points with the only commitment of having to access Space Center without interruption on a daily basis and register the access by clicking on the Add one more day button.
- The missions are valid for 30 days from the day you have completed them, but you can keep the points and never lose them if you do not stop logging in every day even if you have completed all 3 missions.
- If you keep logging in indefinitely, the missions will autocomplete again and you will extend the expiration date.:
- Mission 7 days: Every 7 daily registrations in a row you will extend the expiration date.
- Mission 15 days: Every 15 consecutive daily registrations you will extend the expiration date.
- Mission 30 days: Every 30 consecutive daily registrations you will extend the expiration date.
- Completing a mission again will extend the expiration date and you will be able to keep the points, but you will not add up the mission points again.
- If one day you do not access Space Center, the counter of accumulated consecutive days of access will count from 0, and some of the missions may expire and you may lose the points if you do not have time to complete them again before the expiration date.
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