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What is the secret code of my Bit2Me Card?

Updated on Fri, 9 Dec, 2022 at 3:04 PM

The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) aims to improve security and reduce fraud in face-to-face, remote and online payments through Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

For this reason, you have to generate a secret code, which will be requested for card and mobile banking transactions.

This code is unique and is associated with all your cards. You can create it by accessing the general settings of your cards.

Please, follow the steps below:

1. Haz clic sobre los 3 puntitos de arriba derecha de la página principal de la tarjeta

2. Seleccionas el botón 'Crear código secreto' 

3. Recibirás una clave de validación por SMS que deberás introducir en el cuadro correspondiente y hacer clic sobre 'Aceptar'

4. Para finalizar introduce tu código secreto. Debe contener al menos: 8 dígitos, una mayúscula, una minúscula y un número. Pulsa en aceptar confirmar.

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